Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sophie's First Birthday

Sophie's First Birthday

The Hatfield little girls are the cutest. They were running around in their pretty dresses and having a great time. The girls were feeding little Sophie her Birthday cake.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Moore Baptism

What a beautiful baby boy! He looked so good in his outfit. He didn't even cry while being blessed! I was touched by all the family and friends that came to view this blessed event.

50th Anniversary

The Lorsurdo 50th Anniversary Party was a blast. They are the nicest people. She is a very caring individual. I felt like I have known this family for years and I have only just met them. Their entire family is very caring and giving and the grandchildren loved their grandparents so much. I was honored to be apart of their special day!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wedding Season is here!!

Hello everyone,

Well wedding season is definetly here. I've been to three bridal shows already and have booked quite a few weddings for this year. Remember I only schedule 25 weddings a year so call today to schedule your wedding with Photography by June for 2008. Remember all consultations are FREE and with NO Obligation to sign anything. Visit my website to view my recent weddings and to get an idea of my type of photography. I love to capture weddings, cause they are forever a heirloom. Your album will be around for years to come, your grandchildren will be browsing through them and will be in aw....Each day is a special day no two are alike.

Their is something special about each and every wedding that I attend. Each bride and groom become family, I not only take their engagement photos then their wedding, then first child, second and maybe a third. Then they all those special occassions in between that I love to capture, baptism, communions, graduations. It is my honor to be apart of such a momentous day in your lives.

I look forward to seeing everyone this year and meeting new faces and smile to be captured.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Thank you to all my clients new and old who have been apart of this exciting year! Well lots have happened here at Photography by June, Inc. we have seen new babies christenings, communions, lots of seniors and a whole lot of weddings. This has been a crazy year. I'm looking forward to 2008 and meeting new families and of course seeing all of my current clients. I have a lot to be thankful for, my family is all healthy and happy Our oldest daughter Ashley is still in college and Danielle is doing great in basketball and she will be a senior next year she is excited. Matt is also on the basketball team and on a bowling league he just took first place in his conference today. We are so proud of him. Chloe keeps us very busy, she just finished her basketball season at school and she had to be benched do to a broken foot so sad...She is looking forward to Volleyball season which is around the corner. We finally had our family photograph taken and that was a chore let me tell you..... hahaha here is the picture.

Well I hope that everyone has a Happy New Year and a healthy one too. Til your next visit.

June and Family

Little Girls

What a cute little angle! I had so much fun working with Maria. She is such a doll. Maria loved having her picture taken, she came in shy and left wanting more. She looks so cute in her pretty dress.

It's a Boy

Congratulations to Debbie and Dan on the birth of their baby boy Christopher Michael! He is such a joy. Debbie and Dan are so blessed to have such an adorable little baby boy. I am honored to have been chosen to have captured his first portrait and I'm looking forward to taking lots more in the future.

Recently Engaged

Today I met a couple they are Colleen and Adrew they just recently got engaged. Congratulations to them. We spent the afternoon taking photographs they are such a cute couple. Their smiles are infectious. I wish them the best of everything that life has to offer.

Merry Christmas

I had the pleasure of meeting the Hahn Family they are such a cute family. Jared and Olivia loved the park and they fed the swans! This family is blessed with lots of love and happiness and they will cherish their family portrait for a lifetime...